There’s something special about using plants to dye your own fabric. It connects you to the process of designing your own clothes and home goods in a way that gives you more respect and curiosity for the materials used and the process itself.

I have been experimenting with my talents for as long as i can remember. If I want to truly put every skill that I have to use i am going to try a bit of everything. I’ve always been inspired by people who have multiple talents and put all of them to good use. I do the same and I use my art as therapy, a hobby, and my favorite way of making a living. I also belong to an art group. Its an art group called aesthetic oddities. our group exists so we can make art that is very wierd and odd but also very beautiful. there are currently four of us but the group will grow over time. we are very dedicated to putting our art into the world and expressing ourselves in a way that we love without any concerns about what others think.

Below this texts are art pieces made by other members of my art group Aesthetic oddities.